Every Tuesday afternoon we have Dutch lessons at Liendertseweg 114, 3815 BJ Amersfoort. The lessons are first of all meant for people who otherwise have no access to Dutch lessons.
Teacher is Willie Berghuis, certified NT2 teacher, assisted by a volunteer.
Frequently Asked Questions
For who are the lessons
First of all for people who otherwise have no access to Dutch lessons but is also open to others.
When are the lessons?
Every Tuesday afternoon from 13:00-14:30 hrs. Not during school holidays.
Where are the lessons?
The lessons are at the building of ICF Amersfoort: Liendertseweg 114 Amersfoort.
Who is teaching?
Teacher is Willie Berghuis, assisted by a volunteer.
What is taught during the lessons?
Teaching is done through storytelling, reading, speaking exercises etc. We practice mostly listening and speaking and a little bit of writing.
What is the cost?
The lessons are free
What level is taught?
The level is from beginners to a little more advanced. (A0-A2)
What method is used?
Since there is no budget, we don’t us certain method, we use all kinds of materials, including the Bible.
How big is the group?
At the moment we have about 8 participants.
How can i join?
You can come to the lessons or contact us via the contact form on this website.